First I just want to thank all my clients for continuing to support my small business, it means the world to me and I can’t thank you enough. At this time of year I always like to reflect on the past year and plan out the new year to grow and move the business in a couple of new directions.
We have some exciting things planned for 2023, I won’t spill all the beans right now, but to give a few little tidbits:
- We’re updating our Newborn packages to include three different options! A little more versatile and options for what you really want to capture!
- Moving to a Proofing Gallery Model! – this is pretty exciting and a big shift, you’ll be provided a proofing gallery with all of the best images from your session and you’ll be able to go through and select your favourites for final editing and retouching! This is huge for us because normally I used to do all of the selections and sent out the best of the best, but this will give you the opportunity to choose them and have a more hands on experience.
- More Themed Mini sessions throughout the year!! Woot woot! Dinosaur Mini session, Space Mini session, Reaching for the Stars Mini Session, Motherhood Mini Sessions and More! Stay tuned to our Facebook page for more info!
That’s all I’ll share for now but the new year is looking wonderful! Thanks so much for your love and light!
Also a shout out to all my Christmas Mini clients in 2022, we filled two boxes for the food bank! Next year we hope to double the amount and can’t thank you enough xoxoxo
Happy New Year Everyone! Best wishes for Happy, Healthy, Prosperous years!